0 Question: Are testing on small or big animals in your lab. Keywords: animal, laboratory, testing Asked by Nya to Mark, Keegan on 25 Apr 2016.
Keegan Cooke answered on 25 Apr 2016:
No animal testing here. We employ bacteria, but they like it. The happier they are, the more electricity they give us.
Mark Ritchie answered on 26 Apr 2016:
I don’t do any experiments on captive animals. Sometimes I measure the chemical composition of soils and plants and bacteria. All my work with animals is observation only! Even for insects!
are you interested in the ocean or sea animals and making the sea clean again and stuff?
in your profile i saw something about snorkeling and the ocean i was wondering if you have know anything about marine
Do you clone animals and make robots.
If you can be an animal what would you be ?
What are the pros and cons of your profession?
How do you determine how old soil is? Knowing the different interactions it has with time, climate, and living
What is your favorite thing about being an environmental scientist?
Growing up and today included, do/did you have any pets?
how long was the longest worm u have ever found
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