• Question: Have you ever tried to make electricity with any thing like water or clay and if you could remake a invention but this time with mud and get credit for it what would it be

    Asked by Isaiah to Keegan on 25 Apr 2016.
    • Photo: Keegan Cooke

      Keegan Cooke answered on 25 Apr 2016:

      There is energy everywhere, found in the chemical bonds of materials all around us. Our MudWatt technology is specifically designed to extract electricity from chemical bonds found in soil and some clays (using bacteria to drive this process). There are other technologies out there though that use the properties of water to make electricity (like fuel cells). If I could remake any invention, but this time with mud, I guess I’d want to see more mud-houses. In fact, this wouldn’t be new at all, as people have made mud-houses for thousands of years.
