Funded by Johnson Matthey’s Science and Me programme
Questions Answered by Mark
What is the nastiest thing you have eaten?
by DMaster13 to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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What kind of soil is best to grow prarie plant in (i suck at spelling)? We were given 1 acre of land to grow prarie
by emmajobean to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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How do you plan to use your knowledge as a scientists to help encourage others after you have retired?
by Sienn to Mark
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How many scientists do you interact with daily?
by Jana to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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Instead of soil would algee be like soil in plans that live in water?
by ScientistBella to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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How does it feel to be looked up to by younger foke
by Tuckertrachula to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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What would happen if tectonic plate froze?
by 845sscb29 and 2 others. to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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Is there anything recent you have discovered?
by Alex to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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What was the most difficult time you had to face with science?
by Barbie to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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Would Earthqauckes happen ever year or random? If so why?
by StarSnow to Mark, Keegan, Clay, Ana, Alex
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Recent Comments
And the winner is… (1 comment)
The first scientist eliminated is… (2 comments)
If plastic-eating bacteria were released, how drastic do you think the effect would be? (1 comment)
Who is Your Role Model? (2 comments)
In order to become an environmental engineer did you get a bachelors degree in engineering? (1 comment)