Funded by Johnson Matthey’s Science and Me programme
Questions with the keyword 'scientist'
What is your favorite thing about being an environmental scientist?
by Us+Nature= Life to Clay
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What is the downside of being a scientist?
by Manni to Keegan
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What is a bad day being a scientist like? What kind of day does it take to make you regret being a scientist?
by Brooke to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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How do you plan to use your knowledge as a scientists to help encourage others after you have retired?
by Sienn to Mark
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How many scientists do you interact with daily?
by Jana to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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What are the perks and benefits of being a scientist?
by Chris to Alex, Ana, Clay, Keegan, Mark
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what is your Favourite sientest.
by alexander to Mark, Keegan
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do you like being a scientists
by kilima and 1 other. to Keegan
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Recent Comments
And the winner is… (1 comment)
The first scientist eliminated is… (2 comments)
If plastic-eating bacteria were released, how drastic do you think the effect would be? (1 comment)
Who is Your Role Model? (2 comments)
In order to become an environmental engineer did you get a bachelors degree in engineering? (1 comment)